

(socket {:keys [socket-address port broadcast? raw-stream? bootstrap-transform epoll?], :or {epoll? false, broadcast? false, raw-stream? false, bootstrap-transform identity}})
Returns a deferred which yields a duplex stream that can be used to send and receive UDP datagrams.

| `port` | the port at which UDP packets can be received.  If both this and `:socket-address` are undefined, packets can only be sent.
| `socket-address` | a `` specifying both the port and interface to bind to.
| `broadcast?` | if true, all UDP datagrams are broadcast.
| `bootstrap-transform` | a function which takes the Netty `Bootstrap` object, and makes any desired changes before it's bound to a socket.
| `raw-stream?` | if true, the `:message` within each packet will be `io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf` objects rather than byte-arrays.  This will minimize copying, but means that care must be taken with Netty's buffer reference counting.  Only recommended for advanced users.